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In India, more than 276 million children and youth were out of school for extended periods since March 2020 due to school closures in response to COVID-19. A key challenge has been how to measure the impact of responses to continuity of learning both to ensure more effective responses in the event of further disruptions, but also to help the education community conceptualize more creative and effective approaches to learning, through blended and flexible approaches. This study reflects on the findings from a UNICEF survey targeting parents and adolescents across 6 states in India, and identifies lessons learned for addressing learning inequities during future school closures. We focus on measuring three key variables – access to technology, their utilization, and perceived learning for different profiles of children. As students began learning from home, technology access rates in households were initially used to determine the estimated maximum reach of different distance learning modalities during school closures. Beyond access, we find significant variations in adolescents’ use of technology for learning purposes and their perceptions of learning, linked to the type of remote learning modality, gender, location and type of school. We discuss the implications for government strategies and policies to ensure better utilization of technologies which are available in households and to address equity gaps in learning opportunities.  相似文献   

This paper aims to analyse the initiatives undertaken by some immigrant communities residing in Latin America to record their mobilisation around the First World War. After the armistice, European communities in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and other countries gathered detailed information about their activities during the conflict, published as profusely illustrated books of remembrance, offered to their governments as proof of their loyalty. The article intends to establish the peculiar nature of these publications as records of the war effort, and analyse the agents and processes of their elaboration, and their role as commemorative but also as archival documents.  相似文献   

This study examined a project that delivered social work services to homeless individuals. A mixed-methods case study was conducted using quantitative and qualitative data from 93 library employees and the project’s Homelessness Prevention Outreach Worker (HPOW). There was an increase in the number of clients accessing community supports during the project, and the HPOW was integral to the provision of support and resources to homeless individuals. Staff training was associated with significantly greater knowledge, comfort, and skills in working with homeless individuals. These findings can inform the delivery and implementation of similar programs for homeless individuals.  相似文献   
[目的/意义] 对美国《图书馆杂志》从1992年开始设立的"年度图书馆"奖的评选标准以及获奖图书馆的特色服务进行研究,旨在为我国图书馆开展特色化服务提供借鉴。[方法/过程] 通过网络调查法和案例分析法,对2000-2018年获得"年度图书馆"奖的19所图书馆开展的特色服务进行比较分析。[结果/结论] 获奖图书馆的服务特色:重视公民教育,强化教育职能;强调均等服务理念,体现人文关怀;提供多元社区信息服务,参与社区建设;树立品牌意识,打造品牌项目。对我国图书馆界的启示:科学合理地进行角色定位;积极参与社区贫困计划;强化特色服务品牌意识;拓宽合作领域。  相似文献   
2019年7月22日,南京大学谢欢博士对哈佛燕京图书馆馆长郑炯文先生就北美东亚图书馆发展相关问题进行访谈。东亚图书馆肇始于欧洲,起源于传教士对文史哲印刷文献的专题收集,与汉学发展紧密相关;美国东亚图书馆在第二次世界大战后取得了快速的发展,如今美国已成为西方世界东亚研究的中心。华人图书馆员是北美东亚图书馆从业人员中非常重要的群体,三代华人图书馆员各具专长,为北美东亚图书馆发展做出了贡献。郑炯文先生自担任哈佛燕京图书馆馆长以来,主要致力于以下三方面工作:①整理裘开明、吴文津担任馆长期间收集的文献;②开放馆藏,将哈佛燕京图书馆的资源面向全世界学者开放;③推动中美图书馆员交流合作项目。  相似文献   
本文采用文献资料、个案研究等方法,对莆田学院应用型人才培养模式下的“开放式”体育教学改革进行调查研究,旨在剖析其改革的具体方法,并提出以下建议:(1)宏观方面,建议政府出台支持政策,积极引导校企合作,建议企业依据自身需要,将相关需求的市场信息反馈给学校,实现地方社会事业、学校和企业的“三方”共赢。(2)微观方面,学校积极提升自身的“软”与“硬”实力,结合市场需求,充分利用校企合作的市场机遇,调整人才培养模式,充分运用现代信息技术,实现体育教学理念、教学内容要和方法、教学时间和空间、教学评价体系上的开放,培养满足市场需求的专业技术人才。  相似文献   
社会快速发展、生活日趋便捷背景下,医学生面临着生理和心理上的问题,且医学生由于专业特殊性,认知能力中记忆力的重要性被凸显出来。本文运用查阅文献资料、专家访谈、问卷调查、逻辑分析等研究方法,探究从运动处方角度出发的实验--"高强度间歇运动对医学生不同时长记忆力的影响"具有多方面重要性。同时建议医学院校应当跟据研究结果和实际情况,制定科学、合理的运动训练计划,为医学生生理和心理健康提供保障。  相似文献   
周红燕 《当代体育科技》2020,(9):216-216,218
太极拳是一种体育运动,也是一种武术,更是一种强身健体的项目,在中国有着悠久的历史。农村中小学把太极拳作为传统项目的教材,在很多方面有很大的推广价值。为进一步探索农村中小学体育特色工作的新思路,高标准推进教育教学工作,我们选择了太极拳训练为体育特色。笔者常年从事体育教学,对太极拳教学有着丰富的教学经验,如何在农村中小学体育教学中打好太极拳我感觉至关重要。太极拳不仅能强身健体还能培养学生的情操,提升校园文化建设,更能磨炼学生的意志,树立正确的人生观和价值观,本文对太极拳教学在农村中小学体育教学中的认识提出了自己的观点。  相似文献   
杨明 《当代体育科技》2020,(12):217-218
少数民族传统体育作为我国民族体育的重要组成部分,具有鲜明的民族性和地域性。少数民族传统体育是我国迈向体育强国的动力杠杆,起着重要的推动作用,也是实现全民健身的重要途径。当今,我国距离实现体育强国的梦想还有许多路要走,只有落实和发展好群众体育,才能更好地助推我国体育强国梦的早日实现。我国少数民族众多,体育文化丰姿多彩,当地独特厚重的体育文化资源是助推我国早日实现体育强国梦的重要支柱和保障。  相似文献   
田径运动是所有运动的基础运动,是促进身体健康的重要手段,对实现健康中国战略有重要的意义。本研究以普通高校大学体育田径运动的教学及发展路径为切入点,对几所高校进行调查分析,找出田径运动发展过程中存在的问题,并提出相关建议,使田径运动在高校更好地发展,促进健康中国战略目标的贯彻实施。  相似文献   
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